The Enigmatic Case of the "Mirror Thief" Resolved in the Most Unusual Fashion

One of the stolen mirrors

Universe 77B2SD: RIVERTOWN, Sep 28, 2023 — For weeks, the city of Rivertown has been gripped by a series of peculiar thefts targeting not money, jewelry, or art, but mirrors. From compact mirrors to grandiose wall fixtures, no reflective surface was safe. Dubbed the "Mirror Thief" by local media, the mysterious burglar eluded authorities at every turn, leaving behind only a trail of broken frames and distraught victims.

Each theft seemed more brazen than the last, with the thief bypassing high-end security systems as if they didn't exist. The entire city was on edge, with many residents resorting to hiding or even discarding their mirrors in hopes of avoiding a visit from the elusive criminal.

As the pressure mounted on the Rivertown Police Department, Detective Mira Lustré was assigned to the case. She poured over hours of surveillance footage, consulted with experts on various forms of obscurantism, and even sought insight from local artists who might understand the profound allure of mirrors.

However, the break in the case came from the most unexpected source: an antique dealer named Lucius Glass. Glass approached the police with an old, ornate hand mirror, claiming it showed not just a reflection but the moments before the thefts. Skeptical but desperate, Lustré watched as the mirror displayed the actions of the so-called thief: It was her, Detective Lustré, stealthily swiping the mirrors.

Confused and horrified by what she saw, Lustré underwent a series of psychological evaluations. It was discovered that she had a rare, dormant form of split personality. Under immense work stress and the influence of Rivertown's particularly reflective moonlight (a known but rare trigger), her alternate persona emerged, compelled to collect mirrors.

The twist, however, was that all the mirrors stolen were found safely stored in a forgotten wing of the Rivertown Historical Museum, each accompanied by a detailed history of its origin and significance. It seemed the alter ego, while mischievous, had a penchant for preservation.

While the city grapples with this bewildering revelation, Detective Lustré has been placed on administrative leave, and a thorough restoration process for the mirrors has begun. Residents can now breathe a sigh of relief, though many might be checking their mirrors twice tonight.

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