The Great Shadow Plague: Cities Shrouded in Unending Darkness

Midtown resident with a torch

Universe YQ3O8M: MIDTOWN, September 28, 2023 — It began without warning. Last Tuesday, at precisely 10:17 AM, the skies over Midtown darkened, plunging the bustling city into an abyss of unending night. Now, almost a week later, the "Shadow Plague", as it's been dubbed, has spread, engulfing neighboring cities and showing no sign of retreat.

The sudden darkness was initially mistaken for an unexpected solar eclipse or extreme weather phenomenon. But as the hours turned into days, panic began to set in. Street lights, car headlights, even the most powerful torches only emit a feeble glow, barely piercing the all-encompassing black.

Thousands have been reported missing in the perpetual night, with many more trapped in their homes, too frightened to venture out into the suffocating gloom. Emergency services are overwhelmed, struggling to navigate streets they've known for years.

“It’s as if the very essence of light is being devoured. We’re still trying to understand if this is a natural occurrence or something... more sinister.”

- Local scientist Dr. Clara Reinhardt says the source of the darkness remains a mystery.

Shadows, eerily animate, seem to whisper and shift of their own accord, adding to the growing unease. Numerous accounts from those brave enough to venture out speak of being watched or followed by these living shades.

The economic impact has been immediate and severe. Shops remain closed, transportation has ground to a halt, and the city's once-vibrant life has been reduced to fearful murmurs in the dark.

To add to the city’s woes, communications in and out of the affected areas are proving unreliable. Desperate calls for help or information are often met with silence or eerie distortions.

While the world watches in horror, prayers and vigils are being held worldwide, hoping for the return of light to the stricken cities. But as each day passes in impenetrable darkness, hope dwindles, and a haunting question remains: Will dawn ever break again?

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